update monitoring
Software | Vendor |
aBreevy8 | 16 Software |
SyncBackFree | 2BrightSparks |
3DxWare | 3Dconnexion |
Work | 8x8 |
Work for Outlook | 8x8 |
Wise-FTP | AceBIT |
ActiveBarcode DEU | ActiveBarcode |
Komodo Edit | ActiveState |
Acrobat Reader (Security Update) | Adobe |
Acrobat Reader DC | Adobe |
Acrobat Reader DC Font Packs | Adobe |
AIR | Adobe |
Digital Editions | Adobe |
Flash Player NPAPI | Adobe |
Flash Player PPAPI | Adobe |
PDF iFilter | Adobe |
Shockwave Player | Adobe |
JRE with Hotspot | AdoptOpenJDK |
OpenJDK 14 with Hotspot | AdoptOpenJDK |
Haufe Advolux Kanzleisoftware | Advolux |
1Password | AgileBits |
Airtame | Airtame |
MissionKit Enterprise | Altova |
AWS SAM Command Line Interface | Amazon |
Corretto 11 | Amazon |
Corretto 17 | Amazon |
Corretto 18 | Amazon |
Corretto 19 | Amazon |
Corretto 20 | Amazon |
Corretto 21 | Amazon |
Corretto 8 | Amazon |
Kindle | Amazon |
Kindle Previewer | Amazon |
Workspace Client | Amazon |
Pointofix | Amerigomedia |
Anaconda2 | Anaconda |
Anaconda3 | Anaconda |
Angry IP Scanner | Angry IP Scanner |
JPEG Lossless Rotator | AnnyStudio |
HeidiSQL | Ansgar Becker |
WizTree | Antibody Software |
AnyDesk | AnyDesk |
Ant10 | Apache |
Ant9 | Apache |
Derby | Apache |
Directory Studio | Apache |
Groovy 3 | Apache |
Maven | Apache |
Maven Alpha | Apache |
OpenOffice | Apache |
Qpid Broker J | Apache |
Tomcat 7 | Apache |
AirServer Universal | App Dynamic |
iPhone Configuration Utility | Apple |
iTunes | Apple |
iTunes DEU | Apple |
PatchManagement | Apptimized |
Auto Dark Mode | Armin Osaj and Samuel Schiegg |
AstroGrep | AstroComma |
Companion | Atlassian |
Source Tree | Atlassian |
Atom | Atom |
ActivePresenter | Atomi |
Audacity | Audacity |
Design Review | Autodesk |
Download Manager | Autodesk |
DWG TrueView | Autodesk |
Navisworks Freedom | Autodesk |
AutoHotkey | AutoHotkey |
AutoIT | AutoIt Team |
AvigilonControlCentreClient | Avigilon |
Axcrypt | Axcrypt |
GitKraken | Axosoft |
Zulu OpenJDK11 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK13 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK15 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK17 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK19 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK20 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK21 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK6 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK7 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJDK8 | Azul |
Zulu OpenJRE21 | Azul |
Etcher | balena |
Bandicam | Bandicam.com |
Bandicut | Bandicam.com |
ClickShare Extension Pack | Barco |
Beeftext | Beeftext |
TeXstudio | Benito van der Zander |
Golden | Benthic Software |
Goldsqall | Benthic Software |
Goldview | Benthic Software |
PLEdit | Benthic Software |
Addin for Autodesk Navisworks | BIM Track |
Addin for Autodesk Revit | BIM Track |
Addin for Tekla Structures | BIM Track |
PIXresizer | Bluefive software |
BlueJ | BlueJ |
Structorizer | Bob Fisch |
Artweaver Free | Boris Eyrich |
Box Drive | Box |
Box for Office | Box |
Box Sync | Box |
Box Tools | Box |
Vim | Bram Moolenaar |
BL Banking | Business Logics |
Open Workbench | CA |
CamStudio | CamStudio Team |
CDBurnerXP | Canneverbe Limited |
VOSviewer | Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University |
hrping | cfosSoftware |
Workstation | Chef |
Bundled VDI Plugin | Cisco |
Cisco Jabber | Cisco |
JVDI Agent | Cisco |
JVDI Client | Cisco |
Proximity | Cisco |
WebEx Meetings | Cisco |
Webex VDI Thin-client Plugin | Cisco |
S4A | Citilab |
Receiver | Citrix |
Virtual Desktop Agent | Citrix |
Workspace | Citrix |
Clevershare | Clevertouch |
Clip2net | Clip2net |
ClipGrab | ClipGrab Project |
WARP | Cloudflare |
Royal TS | code4ward |
ConEmu | ConEmu-Maximus5 |
DebugBar | Core Services |
IETester | Core Services |
CoreFTP Client Lite | CoreFTP |
CoreFTP Client Pro | CoreFTP |
MindManager | Corel |
WinZip | CorelCorporation |
Zotero | Corporation for Digital Scholarship |
LockHunter | Crystal Rich |
KiTTY | Cyril Dupont |
FleetboardCockpit | DaimlerFleetBoard |
VirtViewer | Daniel P. Berrange |
DAX Studio | DAX Studio |
DBeaver | DBeaver |
DbVisualizer | DbVis |
Command Update Classic | Dell |
Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise | Devolutions |
LMMS | DigitalOcean |
eID Middleware | Dioss |
Display Link Graphics Driver | DisplayLink |
Clipboard Manager | Ditto |
Docker for Windows | Docker |
LibreOffice | Document Foundation |
Todoist | doist |
KeePass1 | Dominik Reichl |
KeePass2 | Dominik Reichl |
Notepad++ | Don Ho |
Notepad++ DEU | Don Ho |
Paint.NET | dotPDN |
Double Commander | Double Commander |
Drofus | dRofus |
Dropbox | Dropbox |
ImageGlass | Duong Dieu Phap |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 11 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 16 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 17 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 18 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 19 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JDK with Hotspot 8 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JRE with Hotspot 11 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JRE with Hotspot 17 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Temurin JRE with Hotspot 8 | Eclipse Adoptium |
Node Version Manager | Ecor Ventures |
Desktop App | Egnyte |
Virtual CloneDrive | Elaborate Bytes |
Elster Formular | Elster |
Java Decompiler GUI | Emmanuel Dupuy |
Enpass | Enpass Technologies |
WinmailOpener | Eolsoft |
WinmailOpener DEU | Eolsoft |
EPOS Connect | EPOS |
Eraser | Eraser Project |
Safe Exam Browser | ETH Zuerich |
Evernote | Evernote |
Cloud Signature Update Agent | Exclaimer |
eLearning | eXe Project |
ffmpeg | Fabrice Bellard |
Advanced IP Scanner | Famatech |
FastStone Capture | FastStone |
Photo Resizer | FastStone |
ProjectLibre | Fenix Projektconsulting |
Flameshot | Flameshot |
VSDCFreeVideoEditor | FlashIntegro |
PDF Reader | Foxit |
PrintScreen | Gadwin |
PrintScreenPro | Gadwin |
Package Viewer | Garden Gnome |
BaseCamp | Garmin |
Express | Garmin |
PDF24 Creator | geek software |
GeoGebra Classic | GeoGebra |
Total Commander | Ghisler |
Total Commander DEU | Ghisler |
PeaZip | Giorgio Tani |
Git | Git |
GitHub Desktop | GitHub |
Glance | Glance Networks |
GlassWire | GlassWire |
TightVNC | GlavSoft |
Jabra Direct | GN Group |
Octave | GNU Octave |
GOM Player | GOMLab |
Android Studio | |
Backup and Sync | |
Chrome | |
Drive for Desktop | |
Earth | |
Go | |
Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook | |
Picasa | |
XnView | Gougelet Pierre |
XnView DEU | Gougelet Pierre |
AusweisApp2 | Governikus |
Gpg4win | Gpg4win |
Active Reports.NET | GrapeCity |
ActiveReportsJS | GrapeCity |
Graphviz | Graphviz |
Greenfoot | Greenfoot |
Greenshot | Greenshot Team |
HotPotatoes | HalfBaked |
Adobe AIR runtime | HARMAN International |
Adobe AIR SDK | HARMAN International |
DiskLED | Helge Klein |
Textpad | Helios |
HP Image Assisstant | HP |
IcedTeaWeb | IcedTeaWeb |
UltraEdit | IDM |
UltraEdit DEU | IDM |
VeraCrypt | IDRIX |
7-Zip | Igor Pavlov |
7-Zip DEU | Igor Pavlov |
ImageMagick | ImageMagick Studio |
Converter | iMazing |
Kodu Game Lab | InfiniteInstant |
InfraRecorder | InfraRecorder.org |
Inkscape | Inkscape |
Macro Express 5 | Insight Software Solutions |
Macro Express Pro | Insight Software Solutions |
InstEd | instedit |
Intel Driver and support assistant | Intel |
Able2Extract | Investintech |
Simple One Stage CO2 Cycle | IPU |
IrfanView | Irfan Skiljan |
Security Components | Isabel |
Cyberduck | iterate GmbH |
IZArc | Ivan Zahariev |
SprintPlus | Jabbla |
TreeSize Free | Jam Software |
PSPad | Jan Fiala |
GridVis | Janitza |
Jasp | Jasp |
dotTrace | JetBrains |
GoLand | JetBrains |
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition | Jetbrains |
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate | JetBrains |
PhpStorm | JetBrains |
Pycharm Community | JetBrains |
PyCharm Professional | Jetbrains |
WebStorm | Jetbrains |
Drawio Desktop | JGraph |
SuperPutty | Jim Radford |
Kinovea | Joan Charmant |
scenic view | JonathanGiles |
FreeCAD | Juergen Riegel |
Freemind | Jurg Muller |
KLIC-viewer | Kadaster |
Meld | Kai Willadsen |
OpenWebStart | Karakun |
GCompris | KDE |
KeePassXC | KeePassXC Team |
TrackballWorks | Kensington |
KiCad | KiCad |
ZipCodeDiagram | KlausWessiepe |
K-Lite Codec Pack | KLCP |
K-Lite Codec Pack Basic | KLCP |
K-Lite Codec Pack Mega | KLCP |
K-Lite Codec Pack Standard | KLCP |
Analytics Platform | KNIME |
Insomnia | Kong |
Calibre | Kovid Goyal |
Krita | Krita Foundation |
Sumatra PDF | Krzysztof Kowalczyk |
Joplin | Laurent Cozic |
Screenpresso | Learnpulse |
Screenpresso DEU | Learnpulse |
Education SPIKE | Lego |
NXT | Lego |
WeDo 2.0 | Lego |
ElsterFormular | LFDThueringen |
LibreCAD | LibreCAD |
Logi Options+ | Logitech |
Logi Tune | Logitech |
Logitech Presentation | Logitech |
Options | Logitech |
Unifying Software | Logitech |
Analyzer | LogTag |
Analyzer DEU | LogTag |
Lua | Lua |
CopyQ | Lukas Holecek |
M-Files 2018 | M-Files |
M-Files Online | M-Files |
mBlock | Makeblock |
MarcEdit | MarcEdit |
FreeCommander XE | Marek Jasinski |
VcXsrv | Marha |
ODBC driver | MarkLogic |
WinSCP | Martin Prikryl |
WinSCP DEU | Martin Prikryl |
Scratch 2 Offline Editor | Massachusetts Institute Of Technology |
Cinema4D | Maxon |
MediaInfo | MediaArea |
Shotcut | Meltytech |
Reference Manager | Mendeley |
.NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime | Microsoft |
.Net Core Desktop Runtime | Microsoft |
.NET Core Hosting Bundle 6 | Microsoft |
.NET Core Hosting Bundle 7 | Microsoft |
.NET Framework 4.7 | Microsoft |
.NET Framework 4.8 | Microsoft |
.NET Framework 4.8 DEU | Microsoft |
.NET SDK | Microsoft |
Azure CLI | Microsoft |
Azure Cosmos DB Emulator | Microsoft |
Azure Data Studio | Microsoft |
Azure Information Protection Unified Labeling Client | Microsoft |
Azure Storage Explorer | Microsoft |
Baseline Security Analyzer | Microsoft |
BGInfo | Microsoft |
Dependency Agent | Microsoft |
Deployment Toolkit | Microsoft |
Dynamics 365 for Outlook | Microsoft |
Dynamics CRM 2016 for Outlook | Microsoft |
Edge | Microsoft |
EdgeWebView2Runtime | Microsoft |
ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server | Microsoft |
Office 2016 Language Pack ENU | Microsoft |
Office Word Viewer | Microsoft |
OLEDBDriver19ForSQLServer | Microsoft |
OneDrive | Microsoft |
Power Automate | Microsoft |
Power BI Report Builder | Microsoft |
Power Query for Excel | Microsoft |
PowerBi Desktop | Microsoft |
PowerShell | Microsoft |
PowerToys | Microsoft |
RDCManager | Microsoft |
Remote Desktop Client | Microsoft |
Remote Help | Microsoft |
ReportViewer | Microsoft |
Silverlight | Microsoft |
SQL Server 2012 Native Client | Microsoft |
SQL Server LocalDB | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio 16 | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio 17 | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio 18 | Microsoft |
SQL Server Management Studio DEU | Microsoft |
Sysmon | Microsoft |
Teams | Microsoft |
Visio Compatibility Pack | Microsoft |
Visio Viewer | Microsoft |
Visio Viewer 2010 | Microsoft |
Visio Viewer 2013 | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable Package | Microsoft |
Visual J# | Microsoft |
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime | Microsoft |
Visual Studio Code | Microsoft |
XMLNotepad | Microsoft |
Yammer | Microsoft |
LosslessCut | mifi |
Mimecast for Outlook | Mimecaster Central |
Mocha Telnet | MochaSoft |
Mocha TN3270 | MochaSoft |
Mocha TN3812 | MochaSoft |
Mocha TN5250 | MochaSoft |
Compass | MongoDB |
Firefox | Mozilla |
Firefox DE | Mozilla |
Firefox ESR | Mozilla |
Firefox ESR DE | Mozilla |
SeaMonkey | Mozilla |
Thunderbird | Mozilla |
NSClient | MySolutionsNORDIC |
NCPA | Nagios |
WinFsp | Naviamatics |
Iridium Browser | NETitwork |
S3 Browser | NetSDK Software |
Infrastructure agent | New Relic |
mRemoteNG | Next Generation Software |
mRemoteNG DEU | Next Generation Software |
Nextcloud | Nextcloud |
Mu Editor | Nicholas H.Tollervey |
PDF Pro Business | Nitro |
PDF Pro Enterprise | Nitro |
PDF Pro NLS | Nitro |
Node.js | Nodejs Foundation |
Node.js LTS | Nodejs Foundation |
NoMachine | NoMachine |
Obsidian | Obsidian |
folge | Oleksii Sribnyi |
Speedtest | Ookla |
OBS Studio | Open Broadcaster Software |
4K Video Downloader | Open Media |
Open-Shell | Open-Shell |
OpenLens | OpenLens |
OpenShot Video | OpenShot |
OpenVPN | OpenVPN |
OpenVPN Connect | OpenVPN |
Opera Web Browser | Opera |
Instant Client | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 11 | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 17 | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 20 | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 21 | Oracle |
JDK (Java Development Kit) 8 | Oracle |
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 6 | Oracle |
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 7 | Oracle |
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 8 | Oracle |
MySQL Community Server | Oracle |
MySQL Connector ODBC | Oracle |
MySQL Workbench | Oracle |
ODAC 21c | Oracle |
VirtualBox6 | Oracle |
VirtualBox7 | Oracle |
Visual VM | Oracle |
Dependency Check | OWASP |
Client | ownCloud |
Parallels Client | Parallels International |
TranslatorX | Paul Giralt |
PCF Software | PCF |
INTUS RemoteConf | PCS Systemtechnik |
INTUS RemoteConf DEU | PCS Systemtechnik |
PDFCreator Free | pdfforge |
PicPick | PicPick |
Pidgin | Pidgin |
CCleaner | Piriform |
Recuva | Piriform |
Hub Software | Plantronics |
Poll Everywhere | Poll Everywhere |
RealPresence Desktop | Polycom |
Quarto | Posit Software |
PGAdmin4 | Postgre SQL Community |
odbc | PostgreSQL |
Postman | Postman |
Anyburn Free | Power Software |
Anyburn Pro | Power Software |
ProID middleware | ProID |
Creo View Express | PTC |
Puppet | Puppet |
Python-3 | Python Software Foundation |
R for Windows | R Core Team |
Rainmeter | Rainmeter |
ideaMaker | Raise3D |
WinRar | RARLAB |
PDFreactor | RealObjects |
USBEthernetController | Realtek |
UltraMon | realtimesoft |
RealVNC Server | RealVNC |
RealVNC Viewer | RealVNC |
Redshift | Redshift |
ReluxDesktop | Relux Informatik |
RingCentral | RingCentral |
Snapform Viewer | Ringler Informatik |
RVTools | Robware |
scrcpy | rom1V |
RStudio | RStudio Team |
Tableau Desktop | Salesforce |
Tableau Public | Salesforce |
Tableau Reader | Salesforce |
DatePicker | SAMRADAPPS |
sbt | Scala Center |
Beyond Compare 4 | Scooter |
BarTender | Seagull Scientific |
SSL VPN Client | Securepoint |
sellyApps | sellysolutions |
ShareX | ShareX |
GoodSync | Siber Systems |
Signal | Signal |
Visual Analyser | Sillanumsoft |
Programmers Notepad | Simon Steele |
PuTTY | Simon Tatham |
Skype | Skype Technologies |
Slack | Slack Technologies |
Slic3r | Slic3r |
ReadyAPI | SmartBear |
SmartFTP x64 | SmartSoft |
Snowflake odbc Driver | Snowflake Computing |
LDAP Administrator | Softerra |
LDAP Browser | Softerra |
LDAP Browser DEU | Softerra |
doPDF | Softland |
FreePDF | Softmaker |
FreePDF DE | Softmaker |
Network Scanner | SoftPerfect |
ARIS Express | Software |
NetExtender | Sonicwall |
Entreprise Architect | Sparx |
Spotify | Spotify |
Spyder | Spyder Project |
Studio | SQLite |
Iron | SRWare |
MOOSProjectViewer | StandBySoft |
MOOSProjectViewerLight | StandBySoft |
RationalPlan Viewer | StandBySoft |
grepWin | Stefans Tools |
Stellarium | Stellarium |
Perl | Strawberry |
Sublime Text 3 | Sublime Team |
Sublime Text 4 | Sublime Team |
eduVPN | SURF |
Syncplicity | Syncplicity |
Junction | Sysinternals |
Tabular Editor | Tabular Editor |
Tailscale | Tailscale |
TeamViewer | TeamViewer |
TeamViewer DEU | TeamViewer |
TeamViewer Host | TeamViewer |
TeamViewer QS | TeamViewer |
JumpToWindows | TechHit |
Snagit | TechSmith |
Camtasia Studio | TechSmith Corporation |
One X | Telenor |
Business Connect Phone | TELUS |
Qidian | Tencent |
TencentMeeting | Tencent |
TIM | Tencent |
Tencent Technology | |
Tencent, Inc | |
Terminals | Terminals-Origin |
TSPrint Client | Terminalworks |
TSPrint Server | Terminalworks |
ComfortSoftwareBasic | Testo |
ComfortSoftwareBasic DEU | Testo |
TI-Admin | Texas Instruments |
TI-SmartView for the TI-84 Plus Family | Texas Instruments |
TeXnicCenter | TeXnicCenter Team |
TextExpander | TextExpander |
Tftpd64 | Tftpd64 |
Bulk Rename Utility | TGRMN Software |
SafeNetAuthenticationClient | Thales |
HandBrake | The HandBrake Team |
Jamovi | The Jamovi Project |
Scribus | The Scribus Team |
Winmerge | Thingamahoochie |
WinMerge DEU | Thingamahoochie |
Thonny | Thonny |
FileZilla Client | Tim Kosse |
FileZilla Client DEU | Tim Kosse |
FileZilla Server | Tim Kosse |
App-V Manage | TMurgent Technologies |
ghostwriter | Toolsandmore |
SVN | Tortoise |
TortoiseGit | TortoiseGit |
Colour Contrast Analyser | TPGi |
PDF-XChange | Tracker |
PDFXChangeViewer | Tracker |
PDFXChangeViewer DEU | Tracker |
RINEX Converter | Trimble |
SketchUp Viewer | Trimble |
SketchUp | Trimble Navigation |
Player | Tulip |
Tux Paint | Tux Paint |
Authy Desktop | Twilio |
Cura | Ultimaker |
UltraVNC Viewer | UltraVNC |
Unity | Unity Technologies |
Untis | Untis |
PDFsam Basic | Vacondio |
BlueJeans | Verizon |
Logger Lite | Vernier |
saml2aws | Versent |
VEXcode EXP | VEX |
Master | Veyon |
VLC media player | VideoLAN |
VLC Media Player DEU | VideoLAN |
Visual Paradigm | Visual Paradigm |
Vivaldi | Vivaldi |
Vrex Viewer | Vixel |
Horizon Client | VMware |
Everything | voidtools |
SQLyog Community | Webyog Softworks |
MuseScore | Werner Schweer |
Wire | Wire |
Wireshark | Wireshark |
Nexusfont | Xiles |
Client AD | Xink |
Charles | XK72 |
XMind | XMind |
XnConvert | XnSoft |
Yabe | Yabe |
Yealink USB Connect | Yealink |
Linkus | Yeastar |
YubiKey Manager | Yubico |
Zimbra Desktop | Zimbra |
WorkDrive TrueSync | Zoho |
Plugin for Vmware Horizon Client | Zoom |
Plugin for WVD/AVD | Zoom |
Workplace | Zoom |
Zoom Plugin for VDI | Zoom |
ZAC | Zultys |